Round table (debate):
Climate change is happening. A certain number of the consequences of climate change can already be observed and estimates can be made as to how they may gain greater proportions in the future. The work that is currently being carried out by scientists on an international scale and that is being synthesized by the GIEC (Interministerial Group of Experts on the Evolution of Climate Change) highlights that even if all efforts were made to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the projected imbalances in climate are inevitable. This is due to the inertia or slow reaction time of the climatic system, which means that we must necessarily anticipate and adapt ourselves to these changes. These adaptive measures –vital from now on – should be seen as additional to other measures that have already been introduced aimed at limiting climate change, such as the reduction of greenhouse gases.
Adaptation to climate change can be defined as our capacity to adjust our natural and man-made systems in response to climatic phenomena or their effects, in order to limit their negative impact or to optimise their benefits. In any case, it is clear that climate change will have some costs for society.
The effects of climate change will be distributed neither equally nor fairly between territories. Neither from a geographic point of view, nor from an individual or social point of view.
Climate change will affect human health directly or indirectly, in ways that are often little understood. Several kinds of measures need to be taken:
- Reinforcement of preventive measures and raising of awareness
- The study and research of the relationship between climate change and air quality and its consequences on health...
- The evaluation and management of the sanitary impact on water resources or on the quality of buildings...
- Prevention and organisation for how to best fight against the effect of urban heat islands in case of heat waves...
Climate change will impact on the dynamic of the water cycle. It is therefore necessary to evaluate what will be the likely changes but also to prepare ourselves in order to avoid flooding and the associated problems concerning health and food security that can be caused as a result.
Climate change and natural hazards will primarily affect low-lying coastal areas through the erosion of coastline or the submersion of these areas due to the predicted rise in sea levels. The increase in temperatures that has been forecast will also increase the risk of forest fires and the frequency of heat waves.
The adaptation of the energy sector to climate change should be carried out within the wider framework of the need for reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the precariousness of household energy, but it should also take into account the greater demand for air conditioning and cooling in the summer.
Current and future transport infrastructures often last for several decades, which exposes them to the effects of climate change. The challenge here will be to ensure the transport and safety of people and goods.
Urban planning projects and buildings have long life spans, which means that it will be necessary to consider how best to adapt them to climate change in all urban planning documents. All measures should take into account the many unknowns which remain regarding the evolution of climate change and its impact on our societies.
It is vital to encourage greater reflection on the different forms of governance at all territorial levels. In this spirit, interdisciplinarity ought to be reinforced in the field of research. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to promote partnerships between research and local public decision-makers.
The level of information and education of the general public on the subject of climate change must be reinforced. Elected representatives and local authorities should also be given specific training so that they dispose of the means to make better-informed decisions in the process of anticipating climate change.
To draw up some broad and far-reaching recommendations which could be proposed to all of the cities that are members of Metropolis.
Link with previous sessions
The conditions for the implementation of local measures on energy and climate ;
Their connection and integration with existing local planning structures (in the broad sense, including consultation and cooperation between actors and the participation of the local population) ;
Their variations in scale and theme.
Catherine RIBES
Juan Carlos SANCHEZ
Christian THIBAULT
Séraphin OKOKO
Vanadah CHAVAN
Eduardo N. RECHDEN
Haileselassie SEBHATU
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